Sugar: Not Just for Sweets

Sammy Rich on Nov 20, 2018 10:00:58 AM


Everyone needs a little self-care here and there, and there’s nothing like a good sugar scrub to help you feel like you’re lapping in luxury.

It might sound a bit strange to put sugar on your skin, but sugar has several benefits-- besides tasting great.


Southeastern Semi-Pro Soccer Team Expands into Pocatello

Stephanie Bachman on Apr 16, 2018 3:57:55 PM


Three seasons ago, the semi-pro soccer team Boise Cutthroats didn’t exist.

They hadn’t yet formed as a team with players not just from Idaho, but Colorado, Montana, Washington, and California. They hadn’t yet traveled 12 to 14 hours to play a game. And they hadn’t yet gone on to nationals not once, but twice to showcase their skills and talents to the country.

Now, as the Cutthroats approach their third season with the same talent and desire to succeed, their president seeks to bring another team to Idaho.


Keeping Your Car in Tip-Top Shape

Emilie Reed on Apr 9, 2018 10:34:51 AM


You’re driving along through the trees on a sunny summer day.  Windows down, music up. Looking around taking in all the beautiful sights to see. All the sudden you run over a branch that pops your back tire.  You get out to take a look and think, “ I have zero idea on how to fix this. How am I going to get home? My phone is dead and I am stuck. If only I had learned how to change a tire...:”


8 Different Stuffings You Can Load on Crepes

Emilie Reed on Mar 2, 2018 1:04:00 PM


Imagine pushing your fork through a delicately thin, sweet, pancake-like treat stuffed full of savory cherry sauce and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Now imagine yourself doing the same with it loaded with warm ham slices, melted cheese, and eggs, or jammed with cooked spinach and seasoned chicken.

Sorry, are we making you hungry? 


Festive and Frightful Halloween Events this Fall

Stephanie Bachman on Oct 13, 2017 9:22:00 AM


“Listen...With faint dry sound, like steps of passing ghosts, the leaves, frost crisp' d, break free from the trees and fall.”  —Adelaide Crapsey

Halloween is filled with the sweet tang of caramel green apples, the gunky innards of pumpkin guts, and the eerie frost that lines our window panels in the dark hours of a crisp morning. For many of us, Halloween is a holiday well associated with scents, flavors, and sensations of both the physical and the mental kind


November 11's Princess Tea Party: The Tale of the Princesses and the Somni Sunflower

Stephanie Bachman on Oct 6, 2017 9:33:00 AM


In a land of Juniper trees and sagebrush-scented air, there lived a witch with silvery cobwebs for hair. She lived above a growing village called Pocatello in an abandoned shack that creaked from the harsh wind. Her garden often swelled with rotted pumpkins, buck-toothed, savage rats, and  purple-headed thistle weeds infested with squirming centipedes.


The Origins of Sugar Skull Facepaint: Day of the Dead

Stephanie Bachman on Sep 22, 2017 9:36:00 AM


For much of America, Halloween is a time for bags of candy, elaborate and creative costumes, and eerie tales and activities that pair off with the crisp autumn weather to bring each town a creepy package of spooky holiday spirit. Many might know that Halloween is descended from the holiday All Hallow's Eve, a Celtic festivities holiday in which the Celts believed the veil between the living and the head thinned and interactions beyond the grave were more likely.


What and Why: Discovering the Uses of Metal Lathes

Stephanie Bachman on Aug 4, 2017 9:05:00 AM


Be it for a hobby or a job, learning how to tinker with lathes can give you plenty of life benefits. Not only can this hobby-turned-investment cut back on house items you'll have to purchase in the future, but it can potentially lead to a well-paying career.


3 Ways to Enhance your Floral Arrangement Designs

Stephanie Bachman on Jun 30, 2017 9:03:00 AM


You know how florists' flower arrangements always look like that immaculate, perfectly dressed neighbor you can’t help but get a little starry-eyed at? And when you look at your own attempted flower vase arrangement, it’s wilted over like a little kid who had their candy stolen?

Sometimes our flower centerpieces can use an upgrade and the right change can enhance and draw attention to the beauty of your home décor. Below are some suggestions that can turn your fainting flowers into eye-popping conversation starters.


The Potato Capitol of the World

Annile Anderson on Jun 26, 2017 8:28:00 AM


Culture of Idaho: The Potato Capital of the World

There are many things that are a part of Idaho’s growing culture that many people may or may not already know about. And one thing that sticks out the most is that we grow potatoes.

No matter what part of the state you are from, you have probably encountered potato farming in some form or other, but do you know much about it? Potatoes aren’t exactly considered the most exciting topic, but the roles they play in how we live our lives here are surprisingly high.



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