Most are still adapting to the “new normal” of reality in the midst of a pandemic. For Idaho State University’s Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT), this has led to offering our summer courses entirely online via Zoom lectures.
Sammy Rich on Jul 20, 2020 9:30:00 AM
Most are still adapting to the “new normal” of reality in the midst of a pandemic. For Idaho State University’s Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT), this has led to offering our summer courses entirely online via Zoom lectures.
Jennifer Ibeabuchi on Jul 6, 2020 1:11:14 PM
My first experience kayaking was an experience I will never forget. Kayaking wasn't an activity I ever thought I would engage in, let alone enjoy. Culturally, non-land activities such as kayaking and other water sports were deemed as unnecessary and borderline dangerous.
Sammy Rich on Jun 29, 2020 10:45:00 AM
As you’ve probably already expected by now, this year’s Fourth of July, as with many other holidays, will look completely different.
Due to concerns over the pandemic, large firework events like Melaleuca’s 28th Annual Freedom Celebration have had to be cancelled. This undoubtedly leaves many people longing for the large-scale celebration they are accustomed to, and having smaller fireworks with friends and family to fill that void.
Sammy Rich on May 25, 2020 11:00:00 AM
Tired of spending your endless amounts of free time watching television or movies? Maybe right now is the perfect time to try your hand at some video games. I have no shame in admitting that I have spent most of my freetime these last couple months gaming.
Sammy Rich on May 11, 2020 9:00:00 AM
It is currently the beginning of May, and that means right now is the time to celebrate our mothers. While previous stay-at-home orders and current plans to slowly re-open select states across the US have made it a bit difficult to celebrate this year, there are still plenty of ways you can show your mom that you care about her.
Sammy Rich on May 4, 2020 12:27:49 PM
Image provided by Brenna Hassing.
These last few months have had many Americans remaining at home with more time than anyone knows what to do with. And as spring blooms and the weather warms, people are itching to enjoy some fresh air. If you’ve never gardened before, you may find yourself wanting to plan something in the backyard. Right now may be the perfect opportunity to get into gardening.
Jennifer Ibeabuchi on Apr 27, 2020 10:45:00 AM
This period of self-isolation may be your only chance to let your inner binge person out and watch mindless TV. No judgement here! With that in mind, Netflix is a great avenue to do so with so many options to choose from.
Sammy Rich on Apr 20, 2020 11:00:58 AM
Swechya Acharya, an international student from Nepal and a junior in health care administration, enjoying the outdoors from home.
“There aren’t college students walking around the campus area, no athletes going for an early morning run. Just when I thought Pocatello couldn’t be more soundless, after the stay at home order, I think this is the most silent place I have ever lived,” Swechya Acharya, a junior in health care administration at ISU, stated.
Brenna Hassing on Apr 13, 2020 11:00:00 AM
Social distancing has made more and more people turn to video conferencing services like Zoom to stay connected with work and schools, and even friends and family.
Recently, my Aunt that is a teacher invited the family (of over 50+ people) to a Zoom meeting. Her reasoning for doing so was to see how everyone is doing during these trying times and to test out Zoom before using it with her students as her school system moves to online instruction.
Sammy Rich on Apr 6, 2020 9:30:00 AM
Even before Governor Brad Little issued his stay-at-home order on March 25, local businesses were feeling the pressure put on from the recent pandemic crisis. Small businesses are faced with a choice of either shutting their doors or learn to adapt.