Netfilx and Quarantine

Jennifer Ibeabuchi on Apr 27, 2020 10:45:00 AM

Siblings lying on the carpet watching tv together

This period of self-isolation may be your only chance to let your inner binge person out and watch mindless TV. No judgement here! With that in mind, Netflix is a great avenue to do so with so many options to choose from.

Then again, too many options can be a bit discouraging. Who has the patience to sort through the endless TV show menu on Netflix to find the right pick? Today, your choices have been made a tiny bit easier.

If you want to fill that [insert here] void in your life this season with Netflix and need some great suggestions, we’ve got you covered!


MV5BNWQ1ZmM3MTQtNTVhZC00MWVlLWI5ZjgtYmZiYWQxZjUzZWM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzQ2MDI5NjU@._V1_For a Witty Binge - Schitt’s Creek (2015)

If you're a fan of easy, clean comedy that requires little to no brain power, then Schitt's Creek is the show for you. A quirky Canadian Sitcom revolving around the lives of the Rose family, this show takes us through their hilarious fall from grace (riches) and how they learn how to lead regular lives in the small town of Schitt’s Creek that they bought as a joke. It’s a feel better comedy that documents the growth of the Rose children, Alexis and David in the funniest way possible and it’s so relatable.


CaptureFor the Royal Enthusiast - Reign (2013)

Victorian clothes, beautiful European landscape, historical story line …, the works. This historical drama set in France in the 1500s replays the story of Mary, Queen of Scotts and her engagement to Prince Francis of France. Filled with intriguing politics, mystery, and romance, this show is a must watch for every history buff.



MV5BN2RkZGE0MjAtZGVkOS00MzVhLTg0OWItZTc4OGRjOTQ1ZTM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA4NzY1MzY@._V1_For the 70’s kid - That 70’s show (1998)

An oldy but goody, this comedy sitcom is sure to be a hit with everyone (90’s kids included). Set in American suburbia in the 70’s, Eric and his pals hang out in his parents' basements as they go through their right of passage, while continuously annoying their parents and indulging in the “lit” aspects of the 70’s culture. Full of laughs and many quirky moments, this show remains golden.


Sherlock_TV_Series-635342236-largeFor the Nancy Drew’s of the World - Sherlock (2010)

Brand new spin on the adventures of infamous detective duo; Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, this show is definitely binge worthy. It explores the psychological aspect of Sherlock more ineptly than ever before. Played by Award winning actor Benedict Cumberbatch, the show is filled with all the mystery that prowls the streets of modern London.


MV5BNmViMGQzMzMtNzgyYy00YzA4LWIzYzAtYmU5OTA4YWJjZWNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgyMjQ2NjM@._V1_For the Action Movie Buff - Shooter (2016)

Framed for murder by his friend and commanding officer, the storyline revolves around the life of ex-Marine sniper, Bob Lee Swagger. Back from service with an intent to live a normal life with his wife and daughter, Bob lee gets dragged into a political mess that he could not have foreseen, in an attempt to help a friend. A story of love, sacrifice, and family, this action packed series is a sure Shooter (pun intended)!


MV5BZDcxOGI0MDYtNTc5NS00NDUzLWFkOTItNDIxZjI0OTllNTljXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_For Fans of Ocean’s Eleven, Twelve… - Money Heist (2017)

If you're a fan of Ocean's 11, Oceans 8, Ocean’s 12, and so on, then you're going to love Money Heist. Eight thieves with certain abilities, under the guidance of a criminal mastermind known as “The Professor”, carry out an intricate plan to rob the Royal Mint of Spain. Full of suspense and Halloween costume ideas, this show will not disappoint. In the words of The Professor, “Palermo, this is war, act accordingly”.


Capture-1For the Identity Criminal Secret Fan - Imposters (2017)

“A conman cannot be conned”, said nobody. The story of Maddie or Eva, or whatever her real name is is certainly an interesting one. Involved in high class scams, Maddie lures targets provided to her by criminal mastermind, the Doctor, into a scam marriage and absconds with their money. After she cons Ezra Bloom, Ezra connects with some of Maddie’s other victims and together, they figure out who she really is. This dark comedy series contains many schemes that reveal shocking betrayals and you guessed it, a con for the conwoman.

And there you have it, a shorter list of binge worthy series to keep your Netflix account busy this season! Whether you’re watching Netflix on your own, with your family, or with your pals over zoom, these shows are sure to be hits!


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