Every year, thousands of people get sick or even die from a silent killer in the workplace.

Many people are exposed to heat on the job—outdoors or in hot indoor environments. Operations involving high air temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct physical contact with hot objects, or strenuous physical activities have a high potential for causing heat-related illness.
Workplaces with these conditions may include:
- Iron and steel foundries
- Other foundries
- Brick-firing and ceramic plants
- Glass products facilities
- Rubber products factories
- Electrical utilities, particularly in boiler rooms
- Bakeries
- Confectioneries
- Commercial kitchens
- Laundries
- Food canneries
- Chemical plants
- Mining sites
- Smelters
- Steam tunnels
Every year, thousands of workers become ill from occupational heat exposure, and some of these people die.
Heatstroke is preventable.
When hot, the body tries to rid itself of excess heat by circulating the blood to the skin to cool it down. In hot environments, the blood doesn’t cool off, and may even heat up more. The only other way the body has of cooling off is to sweat, but if the environment has high humidity, this doesn’t work very well. It can become worse if there is:
- High temperature and humidity
- Radiating heat sources
- Contact with hot objects
- Direct sun exposure (no shade)
- Limited air movement (no breeze, wind, or ventilation)
- Physical exertion
- Bulky or non-breathable protective gear
If it cannot cool down, the body will take the heat in and the core temperature will rise, causing these other symptoms:
- Heart rate increases
- Loss of concentration
- Difficulty Focusing
- Irritability
- May be sick
- Loss of desire to drink
Excessive exposure to heat can cause a range of heat-related illnesses, from heat rash to heatstroke. Heatstroke can result in death and requires immediate medical attention.
What should I do?
Know these symptoms:
- High body temperature (104*F or higher)
- Lack of sweating
- Nausea and vomiting
- Flushed skin
- Rapid breathing
- Racing heart-rate
- Headache
- Confusion
- Unconsciousness
- Muscle cramps or weakness
If you think a person has heat-stroke:
- Call 911.
- Move the victim into the shade and remove excess clothing
- Place ice-packs or cold, wet towels on the person’s head, neck, armpits, and groin
- Mist with water while a fan is blowing on the person
How can heatstroke be prevented?
Heat-related illnesses are easily prevented with a few simple measures, such as:
- Air-conditioning and ventilation
- Having work/rest cycles for workers
- Drinking lots of water
- Slowly building up to the heat
Employers should include prevention steps in worksite training and plans, but it is not just up to the employer to keep people safe. It is also up to you. Know and look out for the symptoms of heat-related illness in yourself and others during hot weather. Learn more about this at Osha Heat stress. Plan for emergencies and know what to do, because acting quickly can save lives.
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