We Love Our CEWT Moms

ISU CEWT on May 10, 2021 9:45:00 AM

Happy Mothers Day! As you are (hopefully) aware, Mother’s Day was this past Sunday, and to commemorate, members of ISU’s Continuing Education and Workforce Training (CEWT) office explained some of the reasons why they love their moms. Here is what we had to say about our CEWT moms:

My mother is gone but I remember her staying up late making me a dress so I could wear it to school the next day.  She was a hard worker and she passed that down to me.  Seeing what she went through in life made me a much stronger woman.
-Shirley Hockett, Management Assistant

My mother made sure dinner was on the table every night even if she had to take a job to make ends meet. My Mother went without so that we never had to. My mother went on food stamps to make sure we didn't go hungry during the tough times. My mother went off food stamps as soon as she could so that she didn't take advantage. My mother never let me see her cry when she was weak. My mother always let me see her cry when she was strong. My mother never lied to me to cause me pain. My mother always lied to me to save me pain.  My mom is the best, my Mom is the worst. I love my mom.
- Paul Dickey, Apprenticeship Coordinator

When I was growing up, my dad was gone 5 days a week for work, leaving my mother to manage the house and my brother and me.  I never really appreciated how difficult that was for my mother, especially as her 2 sons grew into teenagers with driver's licenses. But, now as an adult, with children of my own, I have a whole new appreciation for the courage, strength, and patience my mom needed to make it through that period of time.
- Jason Batalden, Co-Director of CEWT

My mom is an amazing example to me! She has always been a hard worker and seems to have endless energy which she uses to be of service to her children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren. She taught me to live all of life's most important values and instilled in me the importance of a good education. She has always been my biggest cheerleader. Love you, mom!
- RaeLyn Price, Health Programs Coordinator

My mom has always been my rock. She raised me and my brother almost entirely on her own, and always encouraged us to be kind and caring, but most importantly, to be our truest selves. (She also gave us her great taste in music.) She has had many hardships throughout her life, but she’s always come out with her head held high, optimistic about the future. Love you, ma!
- Sammy Rich, Blog Writer

My mom is one of the smartest people I know. I can always go to her with anything I need help with and she will have the answer or help me figure it out. I can always count on her for anything. I love my mom because she will always take care of me. My mom is my favorite person to be in the kitchen with. Although she hugs me too much...it means the world because it shows how much she loves me. My mom is the best.
- Mary Marshall, Marketing Intern

To all mothers out there, happy Mother’s Day and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!

For any upcoming moms considering a low-to-no intervention birth, CEWT is offering a course that will help get you prepared for the big day.

Empowered Mama: Sensible Steps Natural Childbirth teaches moms healthy pregnancy and positive labor-oriented concepts that prepare them physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Coaches master skills to confidently manage mom’s relaxation, labor, and birth, while also practicing effective mother/baby advocacy communications with the birth team. Every session offers realistic practice with hands-on exercises and labor rehearsals to holistically prepare couples wanting to achieve a natural birth. Plus, this class is taught by a certified childbirth educator.

If interested in more information, visit cetrain.isu.edu or call us at (208) 282-3372.


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