Six Steps of Video Production for Teachers

Paul Dickey on Mar 14, 2013 8:00:00 AM

Simple Video RecordingToday teachers utilize video frequently for their classroom lessons. These videos can consist of either lesson for a flipped classroom, demonstrations of key concepts, or instructions to enhance the learning process.

Teachers may have the desire to use video recordings in their classrooms, but not know how to start. They may have had students request to film projects or presentations and not know how to help facilitate this process.

In the office Workforce Training at Idaho State University, I film a range of projects from live classroom presentations and webinars, to promotional pieces and lectures. Through doing this, I have come up with six simple steps which explain the process.

Six Steps to Video Production

  • The Idea: You probably have this already since you are interested in making a video.
  • The Outline: This may be the most important step since it is all about preparation. The more preparation you do prior to filming, the more time you will save. An outline could be as simple as writing your idea or as complex as a script. Having an outline that maps out a beginning, middle, and end works very well. If you are working with students, this is important because you can get an idea of their overall grasp of the material from the outline.
  • The Storyboard: This is not as critical, however, if the outline indicates complex or in-depth camera shots, a storyboard is helpful. It does not take a great artist - just draw out the concept so it is understandable.
  • The Recording: This is the part where you get all your ideas on video. You can use almost any type of recording device - a video camera, phone, web camera, or iPad. The important thing is to capture the ideas and message laid out in your outline. I suggest: recording everything, including mistakes. Stopping and starting all the time can lead to nothing actually getting recorded or much wasted time. Shoot and edit later.
  • The Edit: This can be the most important part of the whole process. I have shot many projects, thinking I was not getting any useable material, but through good editing, I was able to create a finished successful product.
  • The Post: The internet is an important part of the video production process. It does not do any good to create a video that either entertains or informs unless it can be seen by your audience. Of the many posting services, the most popular is YouTube. If you are posting projects by your students, check your school’s policy, for parent permission requirements.

Use these steps as a guide to begin, I am confident that in a short time, you will expand your knowledge base, not only of the process but how to utilize video production as one more teaching tool.

Check out our webpage for suggestions on software and online services that might be of some help. We are producing a video production online class very soon. If you would like to be notified when it is available, submit your email information on the page.

Check It Out

Do you use video production in your classroom already? If you do, I would be very interested in what kind of project that you put together.


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